Services & Knowledge Transfer

Photo © Carlos Alexandre

Do you have a challenge related to aquatic systems?

Partner up with ARNET and the researchers from MARE, CBMA, and CIMA. We are dedicated to knowledge transfer, service provision and support for the implementation of public policies.


Research Collaborations and Consultancy:

We collaborate with institutions, organizations, and industries that aim to promote their activities or understanding of aquatic ecosystems in a sustainable way. Our expertise ranges areas such as biodiversity assessment, biogeochemical analysis, genomics, environmental quality monitoring, ecosystem modeling, and co-management

Environmental Impact Assessments:

We offer the capacity to conduct comprehensive environmental impact assessments, to aid stakeholders in making informed decisions that join progress and technology with conservation and sustainability.

Capacity Building and Training:

We organize sessions to provide stakeholders and organizations with tools for the conservation and sustainable management of aquatic environments. These sessions can be workshops on field sampling techniques, invasive species management, ocean literacy training, fish identification courses, among others.

Knowledge & Technology Transfer – Harnessing Research for Practical Impact:

Through our dedicated structures, we facilitate knowledge and technology transfer to both the public and private sectors, promoting innovation and sustainable development. By bringing research and applied solutions closer together, we aim to create a positive and lasting impact on scientific and technological policies at the national and international levels.