Novel Approaches in Aquatic Exploration and Monitoring

Photo © Filipa Silva
Research developed in harsh environments such as deep sea, marine, coastal, and freshwater sites often has technological constraints and gaps between observations and monitoring. ARNET’s Novel Approaches in Exploration and Monitoring aims at bridging those gaps.

Through the creation and interconnection of new infrastructures, innovative tools and solutions, ARNET develops and explores new methodologies that include molecular tools, automated observing platforms, sensors (in situ and remote based), communication methodologies, algorithms for data analysis and data management, including modelling and forecasting methodologies.

The activities under this action domain are based on the principles of open science, open access and open data.


Support to coordination


Flávio Martins


Support to coordination

João de Lima


Support to coordination

Vanda Brotas


Support to coordination

Bernardo Quintella


Support to coordination

Filipe Costa


Flávio Martins

Coordinator Professor at the engineering school of University of Algarve, researcher at CIMA. Expertise in hydrodynamics, water quality and mathematical modelling, combining the use of remote sensing, in situ sensors and models.

Support to coordination

João de Lima

Civil Engineer, researcher at MARE – University of Coimbra. Expertise in Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment, particularly physical modelling in the field of surface and urban hydrology, drainage systems, soil and water conservation.
Support to coordination

Vanda Brotas

Full Professor at the Faculty of Sciences University of Lisbon and researcher at MARE – University of Lisbon.
Expertise in phytoplankton, photosynthetic pigments and ocean colour satellite remote sensing, water quality, climate change and primary production.
Support to coordination

Bernardo Quintella

Assistant researcher at Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and researcher at MARE.
Expertise in the application of marking and biotelemetry techniques to study movements of fish in aquatic environments.
Support to coordination

Filipe Costa

Associate Professor at the University of Minho and a Researcher at CBMA.
Expertise in molecular biodiversity, i.e. DNA barcoding and derived research to develop a reference library of DNA barcodes for marine life of Portugal.